
Praise kek
part of  family




anonymousabout 8 years
why do you hate me?
I don't hate you Anonymous, I despise you.
over 8 years
why red?
why not?
deletedover 8 years
Hmm.. I got your measures, and I just barely don't fit even when you extend fully. So we'll have to do some practice rounds before I get all the way in ;)
send me a detailed pm of how it would go down
deletedover 8 years
Alright Alright, Reasonable! How about Lovers with Benefits? No Marriage, No Ties! You can leave me for blister any time (Not that you would, because you know.. blister.)
how big is it?
deletedover 8 years
Will you marry me?
I'm not gonna let myself be tied down


7 / 20Super Sleuth!
6 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
5 / 25Explosion!
4 / 25Eye of the Beholder
3 / 20He's Batman
almost 9 years
how did u that screenshot 2 add to ur folder
almost 9 years
how'd u get that screenshot
almost 9 years
bana anna?
almost 9 years
+k for anna
almost 9 years
llanna or llama
almost 9 years
anna, more like llama
almost 9 years
Why do you care?
almost 9 years
almost 9 years
ah, you're cirno
almost 9 years're scaring me. let me get my ears nice and clean before i present them to u. Such a wonderful ledy like you deserves only the best ear pics.
deletedalmost 9 years
What the bloody hell did you just bloody say about me, you little Eastern European? I’ll have you know I was elected top of my constituency in the general election, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids in Bongo-Bongo Land, and I have over 300 confirmed votes. I am trained in high street campaigning and I’m the top Eurosceptic in the entire UKIP cabinet. You are nothing to me but just another immigrant. I will deport you jolly well out of these Great Isles with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this continent, mark my bloody words. You think you can get away with saying that poppycock to me in Parliament? Think again, foreigner. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the EU and your nationality is being traced right now so you had better well prepare for the storm, heathen. The storm that stops the pathetic little thing you call your Jobseeker’s Allowance. You’re jolly well gone, laddie.
almost 9 years
Anna is legend. and quest is 2
about 9 years
+k'ing u for the first time because u r my favorite player
about 9 years
I know it was you who asked me those questions
about 9 years
mmm, ✌ mk binches anna is all mine.
about 9 years
I'm not a photographer, but I can picture me and you together.
deletedabout 9 years
deletedabout 9 years
about 9 years
An even better pic would be one of your feet <3