
openforGame 7046022about 5 years
So much ISP
openforGame 7045959about 5 years
ISP. Claimed he wasn't reading the game so he random hammered me.

openforGame 7045942about 5 years
Didn't claim bs which led to me shooting him + funvested
opendeletedforGame 7045928about 5 years
openforGame 7045913about 5 years hipfired and lost town the game
openforGame 7045910about 5 years
moderated by
openforGame 7045424about 5 years
GAMETHROW just to spite his mafia team. on night 4 he killed blue (instead of hooking bs/killing cop) into autoloss. He didnt even hook the cop & he knew he needed to hook or kill cop or it'd be autoloss. BS outed very explicitly (he knew who BS was & also cced BS) He killed blue instead of cop even though I explained it to him on n3 lol.
openforGame 7045434about 5 years
openforGame 7045317about 5 years
Claims he decided the hammer on a coin toss. Whats the point?
openforGame 7045254about 5 years
checked his cc thats isp by negligence. refund this shit i reckon
openforGame 7045205about 5 years
shot uncc'd gs, mistake but still i want my heart back
openabout 5 years
This player ISPd the entire game, "claiming hooker," as villager.

It seems he just wants to take a break from EM so he is racking up the vios saying that, "He cannot wait for them!"

Here is the game:
opendeletedforGame 7045084about 5 years
opendeletedforGame 7045070about 5 years
ogi throughout the game, kept threatening to report cop so they would be forced to out
openforGame 7045041about 5 years
Gamethrow and in the alternative ISP
openforGame 7045021about 5 years
didn't out a vest before shooting
openforGame 7044906about 5 years
asked to be shot d1 as town
openforGame 7044892about 5 years
Gamethrow. Voted no one d1 when I never claimed to be hammering.

I literally said "oh what are we doing." and voted no one to give IOIIIIOI. He then voted no one a solid 5 seconds after he saw me nl.

If I was hammering why would I have voted before him. If he was giving me hammer he would've voted long before the timer was going up.
openforGame 7044671about 5 years
Gamethrow , they got guiltied as blue and claimed gs and fished me out
openforGame 7044598about 5 years
GT N2, gunned confirmed maf
openforGame 7044501about 5 years
OGI, we really need to stop people from claiming that voting them is GT, or after the fact they are being hammered saying that people are GT'ing. If you are being voted just accept it. This hurts the game esp when new players are being subjected to it.
openforGame 7044405about 5 years
GT didn't kill cop or gs, killed his direct blue cc instead
openabout 5 years

blue was gunned and never shot, and voted randomly at the end of the day
openforGame 7044253about 5 years
Through the entire D1 I asked for PRs to claim so I did not shoot them. Zovea allowed 3 PRs to claim when he was cop. Therefore, there were 2 mafia within the PR claims. That left 1 mafia in blues. He played against his win condition because of his utter brickheadedness to adapt to the way the game was being played. He knowingly reduced the chances of killing mafia. I don't understand how strategically not claiming PR would be an advantage to town. Even after I misshot a blue, he THEN hardclaimed cop and allowed himself to be killed and BS hooked. In every way possible, this was playing against his win condition and should be examined seriously. If this is not a violation, I would please like an explanation of how it would not be. Zovea will try to claim my incompetence, but he knowingly made this game challenging through his complete stupidity. Again, I would have decided that PRs needed to hardclaim with 4 total claims. I then would have shot within those claims. By NOT CLAIMING PR, Zovea sabotaged the game because he could not get over the fact that I wanted to shoot D1. This HAS to be at least Trolling, if not GT.
Harassment, continuously said I trolled when I shot as sheriff. Told him to stop. He didn’t.