

I'm the pro-est Driver in all the land. Yes, I rock a Gold Medal.

I'm rarely on here anymore.



10 / 10Scumhunter
8 / 20Super Sleuth!
2 / 25Eye of the Beholder
2 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
1 / 30Oxyclean
almost 13 years
i added you!
deletedalmost 13 years
Although I was the 3 way lylo lynch. ._.
deletedalmost 13 years
:o I was in the game where you drive killed your partner! :D
deletedalmost 13 years
That last day was one of the most intense days of EM I've played.
almost 13 years
sorry about that, haha
deletedalmost 13 years
Threw a +k your way, sorry the other townie was a dumbshit and ruined an auto win.
almost 13 years
I am drunk right now and trying to play mafia but I cant how the fuck do you do it and make it look so easy fuck you but you know I love you <3
almost 13 years
running + beef. you did really great until fosing abs :] guess the hurry
almost 13 years
Aye, just to do you a favor.

The mafias were BigBeef and TheRunningFree

It seems you were wrong.
deletedalmost 13 years
Game where you sui'd, me and Beef were maf
deletedalmost 13 years
Caleb where are uuuuuuuuuuu
almost 13 years
i was legit <3
lol spade derped and law'd guiser (mikael) before guising out so i had inno on him... that could have !@#$ed us over :]
almost 13 years
omg ur luck again :[[ everyone gt'd against me on the last day ><
almost 13 years
+k for basically winning that all by yourself. :)
almost 13 years
Thanks <3 :] I'm losing grip, but I'll keep holding on.
deletedalmost 13 years
deletedalmost 13 years
21 PM now! I doubt I'll be on:(
deletedalmost 13 years
when is midnight for you?xD
deletedalmost 13 years
Eh, I like to leave comments postgame.