
Indianapolis, IN
part of  family

About Meh

I'm Fun and i'm not a troll i only did that one time so yeah D: If you +k Me or -K me post it on my wall and don't neg me over a sandbox game thats just petty

Links!/DylanCylanRawr < also my MSN

Guiser Test

Ask me anything about Family Guy xD


Shocked >:o

deletedabout 13 years
no gingy always gets my accounts restored.
deletedabout 13 years
Oh... um... okay...
deletedabout 13 years
:/ I'm not a bitch. What makes you say that?
about 13 years
unfortunately, fatalcalamity left teh family… and we don't have a host anymore… so no, sadly, we can't invite u anymore T_T
about 13 years
Its ok.......+k for apologizing. That was nice......I like nice people!
about 13 years
You find a bomb with the letter "k" on it. . . It explodes in a blast of karma an you catch one! Plussed, no need to return ^^
about 13 years
nah, u're no troll :D
about 13 years
Why did you Sui? That wasn't cool
about 13 years
I'll return, but it was close. You made it to 151 karma. If it would have been at 149 I wouldn't return to one :p
about 13 years
+K have a nice fly
about 13 years
Sorry that you don't know how to have fun. Not really, that's your problem.
deletedabout 13 years
and number 2 you are karma whoring.
number 3 im about to get rid of that group.
deletedabout 13 years
i saw you trolling on my alt
deletedabout 13 years
Returned. Holy moly, +80k!
about 13 years
+K from both of my accnts, rashad24 and rashad024
deletedabout 13 years
+k'd =)
deletedabout 13 years
+k'd :P
about 13 years
+k dat horse
about 13 years
+k :)
about 13 years
Here's some +K old sport.