
Anywhere you believe i am

Guise test: ask me what my name means, ill say something that has to do with kings.

about 13 years
more karma indeed.
about 13 years
plussed :)
about 13 years
I +k'd you!
about 13 years
+k and ill put you down for people I owe k ;P
about 13 years
+k'd,+k back please bro :3
about 13 years
+K me please, when i will be able i will +k back.
about 13 years
+k, good luck in comp :) A return would be nice.
deletedabout 13 years

long post
about 13 years
+k :)
about 13 years
+k'd you!
about 13 years
+k'd :)
about 13 years
We need to hit competitive some how right? Plus K for you and hopefully for me too.
about 13 years
+k for you
about 13 years
+k for me? I will plus you back in two days when i hit 2000K
about 13 years
+k our doc