
Louisville, Ky
part of  family

It's great to be back. To all the haters: idgaf what you have to say about me. To all the friends: thank you for sticking by me when I needed you. This has been a long time coming.

I am easily agitated. I have too much logic which sometimes causes me to over-think things. I don't neg for stupid shit and I don't plus you if you beg me.

If I EVER sui or veg in a ranked game it's unintentional, but i would like to apologize in advanced.

When you neg me, tell me why. Doing it and not telling me why is ignorant. Grow up and grow some balls.

I miss Nanita

p.s. people are shady as hell

Epic Game:


7 / 20Super Sleuth!
5 / 10Scumhunter
5 / 20Do No Harm
1 / 10I'm Batman.
deletedabout 12 years
Just someone mysterious. :3
deletedabout 12 years
Welcome back.
over 12 years
I was up till 5 am and you never came on...=/
over 12 years
...delayed yes, I am still on :3
over 12 years
Well, I feel like going to comp right now, so wanna go there now? (I just want to get 10000 points lol)
deletedover 12 years
Treestump buddy Bri is cheating on you, she proposed to me yesterday
over 12 years
I sent you my aim to your inbox. <3
over 12 years
Lol, I have aim and skype if you want to try that. I'll add you again on msn haha <3.
over 12 years
Hey, I didn't receive anything on msn. You sure you added the right one? Lol. <3
over 12 years
I miss you!!!! <3333333333 By the way, did you get my msn?
over 12 years
I apologise. I have been super busy at uni,and also going out heaps as the rugby world cup is in full swing down here in New Zealand :D so yeah haha. Dont worry im alive though :P
over 12 years
Added you on msn. <3
+k for convincing a noobmaf to joint with fool lol
over 12 years
Okay, apparently, I can't send it if you're in game? Send me yours ;) I'm going to sleep. <3
over 12 years
<3333333 Messaged you my msn ;)
deletedover 12 years
almost 13 years
Best town fool player ever, I love you so much :)
almost 13 years
Lol, that's funny haha, then...I want your love =3. <3
almost 13 years
Your heart lol. In a box.
almost 13 years
<3 I saved you for realz! Do I get a prize? ;)