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opinions in one paragraph

about 5 years

hi, so it’s 1 am and my semester ended and i have this one week to relax before i start my summer classes and work. i think that it’s a perfect time to write opinions online in paragraphs so that when school starts again, i can still write properly.

so, if you want, feel free to ask for an opinion and i’ll respond with one long paragraph.

i know i done this before with the opinions, but this time i’m going to be 100% honest, and i’ll be writing more rather than 2 sentences.

i should be using grammarly since i bought it but this kid is lazy so i'm not. if there's any grammatical errors, just yeah ignore them.

opinions start on page 2 apparently.

yeah apparently i failed algebra because i'm pretty sure these are more than one paragraph.

also update: my new job and summer school are going great!

note:brutal - kickin


page 2: emma, songin, coolkidrox123, lesbianpirate, superspooky, alyssa, d3x, pjm, justin, zofia, alexandra, syd

page 3: eadin, ozil, milton1234, citadel, emily, mssbooklover, sasuke

page 4: bramble, january, tzin, luis4rod, conan, nacl, meg, leb

page 5: muki, darkb, take, veggielord

page 6: wink, ivana, meowmeulinn, jela, linke, sherk, rat, cozy

page 7: misterpresident, thecolonel, cabblorp, doggo, okiedokes, xtal, dia, blister

page 8: evo, canterburyegg, bennywinter, bannanxd, vanityprime

page 9: alexandra (part 2), moldyches, returnofthemack, tanb

page 10: myx,

about 5 years

muki says

ok me pls

hi muki. don't think that this is my way of saying i hate/dislike you because i don't.

i want to start with some positives. i enjoyed talking to you and playing mafia with you, and snapping with you and your dog. (a bit superficial but that's all i got for now.)

so, when you came back to em, you were a part of a little friend group between me, hannah, and benny. you take forever to respond to me, and when you do talk to me, a lot of our conversations felt very one-sided. they still do. compared to others, we never really talked in general. just occasional conversations. i never told you anything too personal because i always feel like you're telling others about what i told you in private. (i hope not, but it's the internet and i rather be safe than sorry).

i don't really know what else to say because frankly, we never really interact a whole lot anymore and we both kind of moved on away from each other. like a lot of our interactions feel like a blur now. like i wrote in leb's opinion, things and relationships change and there's nothing to it. and that's what is happening to our friendship. we're moving on.

if you ever want to dm me, feel free, but you asked for my opinion on you and there you have it.
about 5 years

SinB says

and you're 100% better than citadel.


Also you've a great voice, idk why you'd be self-conscious about it :)
about 5 years

leb says

ok me pls

don't get the wrong idea based on this, i enjoy talking to you and wish you the best, but i'm just giving my honest opinion on how i perceive you as a person.

you were legit one of the chillest users i met when you came back to the site, but honestly, in the past few months, i think you changed as a person. in a sense, you lost that touch you had before.

i know that we talked personally in the past, but i'm hesitant now since i heard negative things about you. i hope they're not true, but i know deep down they might be. which made me be kind of cautious when i'm talking about other users. i also see you as some kind of sheep. not anything bad with it, just from an outsider's perspective, you kind of are a sheep.

other than that, i don't know enough to form any further thought. we talked but that was ages ago, now we just don't really interact. and honestly, relationships change, people change, and that's fine. i just want to end with that i don't hate or dislike you whatsoever. and i just wish the best for you and hope that life treats you well.
about 5 years

meg says


meg says


meg!! i love you a lot as a friend even though you broke our streak. but you're one of the earliest and few people that i still talk to. and it was really nice getting to know you more of a person. i never had any issues with you, but i know back then in the early days, my friend group had issues with you. i liked your vsco and probably still do. while on the topic of vsco, you really cute and have a really nice voice. and good music taste.

i think i really enjoyed the moment when you were like a mod in carmen's server. i feel like thats a huge part of our friendship, since that is when we started to get a better idea of who we are as a person. and it was back then when i was legit self-conscious about my voice, so i wanted to talk but i didn't so yeah.

i enjoy playing mafia with you and i love playing dont starve together with you! and i'm sure we're playing more in the future, but you're honestly like super good at that game. you legit give me trash but i still love you. and you're 100% better than citadel.
about 5 years

NaCl says

do mine before eadins/luis anyone i need mine first

hope this was worth the wait lol

nacl, hi. i used to not like playing mafia with you for some unknown reason. but i love playing with you now even though you're bad. anyways, i like interacting with you in servers. and i like how i am able to joke around with you and vice versa.

you're one of the people that i only started talking to (more like outside of the games). and i enjoy our convos (gay right). and our snaps but the image will forever be scared in my mind, but still love you.

and although we aren't that close close like how i am with other users, i still liked talking to you 1-on-1 in dms. and you're one of the few users who can manage to make me laugh so props to you.

um, you have a good voice and doesn't look too shabby, and you should snap me more because i'm your favorite.
about 5 years
about 5 years
hi i want one
about 5 years
hi sorry for the wait. i was in a different city for a couple of days and now i'm back home. and i will try to start them tomorrow, but if not, expect [most of] them to be posted on friday.
about 5 years

meg says

still waiting.

about 5 years

meg says

still waiting.

mood :(
about 5 years
about 5 years
bump lol.
about 5 years
wow sinb hi
about 5 years

meg says

still waiting.

legit me. hold on queen. i'm almost done with nacl's
about 5 years
still waiting.
about 5 years
Do me, but like irl if you know what I mean ;)
about 5 years

Conan says


i don't know you but your name hot.
about 5 years

luis4rod says

how are these just one paragraph

yeah i can't add, but here you get one paragraph for your opinion.

luis4rod. i seen you around in games in main and sandbox. i don't remember playing with you in sandbox or anything, but i do, however, remember your performances in games in main lobby. and i can say that you are bad and you suck. doesn't mean you can improve, but right now, you suck as a player. no offense whatsoever. other than that, i really don't know anything about you. we never talked outside of games, and the only times we do talk are during games and there's nothing more to that. but yeah, i really don't know you personally.
about 5 years

tzin says

add me thank you

tzin aka the leader and backbone of our stardew valley game. you're someone i legit met this month and we started talking. you (on your alt) and me playing g&h. i love talking to you and i like how we're getting close because i really care about you and want the best for you.

i know you told me stuff in dms and i want to say that as hard for me to express and write it out what i really want to say in dms, i just want you to know that i'm always there for you and that if you ever need someone to talk, feel free to hit me up because i will always care and support you.

not to mention, nice voice and selfies. and also cute cat. we stan ducky here.

but other than that, this is just a "superficial" level opinion since we literally only started talking for 2-3 weeks at most. anyways, i'm glad we're friends and let's play stardew some time again. :)
about 5 years

january says

hi king

hi january. happy birthday month! i love talking to you and playing mafia with you, and you're fun to joke around with. but that being said, i don't know you personally that well. you have some loyal friends and you're supportive to them as well, so that's good. you're not that bad of a mafia player.

you're fun to joke around with and i like talking to you in servers. i don't really interact with you that much (i think i did interact with you more in the past - but that was months ago), so I really can't form a solid opinion on you, but good luck in college and you're going to do great.
about 5 years
about 5 years

Bramble says


hi bramble. you're my favorite only because your birthday is one day after mine. other than that, i don't really know you that well. i like you since you and othet had that argument/drama thing that was going on. and i don't like othet so yeah.

i never see you in games whatsoever, but i like talking to you in servers. you seem pretty chill and someone who could be fun to joke around with. this is pretty short only because i don't know you that well and we only started talking this month.
about 5 years

Sasuke says

im waiting for the opinions that will never come

The first time you commented on my profile was from 8 months ago and wrote "> Username is SinB > Has a basic kpop fuccboi icon. I don't know whether to believe you have bad taste or good taste @_@" and that was the moment that I knew that I had to be friends with you. Well not that fast, but like get to know you as a person.

But that was easy af because you happened to be in a server that i was in and we talked and you're one of the people that laughs at my sense of humor and can easily dish some jokes back out. and on the side note, i enjoyed that you could get serious in certain times. and i especially enjoyed you staying up listening to me while i was crying for an hour. you're one of the few users that i trust with my life and i really like our convos.

you're a good jokester and we managed to get everyone fooled about us two dating. was a good time. you dish out really good roasts and overall a pleasant person to talk to in servers.

a decent player at best during games, but still enjoy playing with you. hella nice voice and good pics of self. godly pokemon catcher, but not that good as pedro, but better than monte for sure.
about 5 years

not mssbooklover says

mssbookloverToday at 22:56
add me jon

you're banned but i love you a lot. you're like a younger friend who has a lot to learn about life. you're funny and nice, but at the same time a bit naive and doesn't think things through. i find your videos hilarious, but at the same time, why lol. (don't get the wrong idea from me because i don't want this to discourage you from making more videos, because they're good quality.) And there are a lot of incidences where you didn't process things to an extent. but either way, i still love talking to you in games, outside of the site, in private, and in voice chat.

i know that first paragraph might sound harsh, but don't take it the wrong way. i care about you a lot and i don't want you to make any "stupid" mistakes in life. I want you to excel in life, which is why i want you to go to school instead of skipping. the monologue you said to us yesterday was straight fire and it was excellent. like that was good. also the girl in biology can go bye, she's the dumb one not you.

I love playing in ORGs with you and even though we flop, we're still the most iconic and cutest duo out there. You bring such a positive energy in a lot of things that you do. You're the light that shines in a dark alley. (side note: that sounds weird, but you get what i mean - you're a positive person).

like the majority of people that i wrote an opinion on, you had some negative aspects of you, but your positives outway your negatives. you're one of the users that i'm really close to and i hope we can maintain our friendship like that because i enjoy our talks and your positive personality and attitude.
about 5 years

emily says


emily hi bestie. honestly you're one of the few people that i give my heart out to 100%. i love you a lot and i'm glad we're hella close of friends. and we will meet in 2 years finally. also nice selfies and voice. 15/10 at least. goddess tier level.

i love how you're one of the people who can joke around and have a good time talking to, yet at the same time, is able to defend herself and friends from losers on this site. i find that an admirable quality.

i know a lot of the times when we're talking i give shlt-a/ss responses but i still enjoy talking to you and reading what you write. (i'm just usually tired). I enjoy our talks like I said, and I always love how you make me morally and emotionally feel better every time I worry about some trivial thing. Also timezones suck but anyways.

You're one of the few people that I like love and trust 100% on this site. And if you (especially) just like straight up told me "haha this is just a joke. i only did this to get close to you for a dare," i would legit cry and delete all of my accounts. your power tbh. BUT I'M GLAD THAT IT'S NOT LIKE THAT. AND THAT WE HAVE THIS GENUINE FRIENDSHIP. I SUPPORT AND LOVE YOU A LOT. AND ALTHOUGH LIFE THROWS ROADBLOCKS, I KNOW THAT WE CAN OVERCOME IT AND BECOME BETTER PEOPLE.

oops sorry for caps. but like i mentioned in a lot of my other opinions on you, i'm glad that i decided to come back to epicmafia last year because if i didn't, then i wouldn't have met you. and that would be a shame.