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best copypasta

over 6 years

dump ur copypasta here boys

about 6 years
Yeah I'm not gonna bother saying anything else cuz it seems like the snowflake mob's come in to root me out for the deviant tyrant i am.

At the end of the day, people won't care about the main focus of your message I guess. They'll just hone in on what you could've phrased better and jerk themselves off while screaming "OMG HOW COULD U SAY THAT UR SUCH A TERRIBLE PERSON" to feel better about their sad lives.
about 6 years
Since epicmafiA is home to the easily triggered I would like to know why (white) people find c*nt to be such an offensive word ?

I don’t think I’ve ever used it to offend anyone cus it kinda comes off as hella dorky

Can someone explain pls genuinely interested lol
about 6 years
Get to 100k visits???
over 6 years
having extended conversations with the mindfuck (and I don't mean that in a positive way) that is mikami is a memory Ill cherish for years to come.
deletedover 6 years
over 6 years
I've known him for far longer than yourself, and you probably don't care but he's been going through an emotionally difficult time in his life, which hasn't been helped by hannah manipulating him when all he wanted was a friend to talk to. If you know what's best for you, you'll drop this and never speak of it again.
over 6 years
btw i have no public opinion that needs to be voiced, if i had some reason to win you guys over and was desperate for attention like meg i'd have you all in my chat to hate on one another, but none of this matters it's a one person being upset they got dropped for being insane. none of this really bothers me, can't entirely speak for hannah since i'm not her but i definitely love free attention and i appreciate you all for giving it..............
deletedover 6 years
kev asked me to make this relevant again x
deletedover 6 years
Quitting: Why & How40
yoyo2009001mon 4d+7
Is EpicMafia worth it?

It's more likely that a game will make you feel bad than good.

Usually you will feel that your overall experience of a game was bad if you lost. Therefore around half of the games you play will have been a bad experience for that reason alone.

Not every win will be a good experience. If you weren't instrumental in the win you will probably have found the game boring.

More people express extreme upset after a loss than extreme happiness after a win so it’s fair to assume that a bad loss isn’t outweighed by a good win. Does the upset you feel when someone throws a game or lynches you outweigh the happiness that you feel from winning?

Not only is it more likely that a game will make you feel unhappy, the unhappiness you stand to feel outweighs the happiness you stand to feel.

Therefore playing EpicMafia is objectively a bad idea.

Is EpicMafia addictive?

You might think that if EpicMafia is not an enjoyable use of time then you wouldn’t keep playing, but what if you're doing it because of addiction?

“Behaviors … that offer … a spike in brain dopamine levels are the most addictive”. On the site, a large spike in dopamine is experienced when the player progresses towards winning a game, which only happens in sudden bursts (e.g. the player that gets lynched flips mafia). The rest of the experience is comparatively dull.

Psychologist B.F. Skinner observed that animals were most easily trained when intermittent rather than constant rewards were administered for desirable behaviour. EpicMafia produces dopamine spikes at random, rather than during or after every game consistently, mirroring this idea.

How to quit EM

Don’t get banned, delete your account, or tell anyone that you’re quitting, via the forum or otherwise. Quitting involves a mindset as well as not playing. Your reason for not playing should be because you don’t want to.
deletedover 6 years

Shwartz99 says

hey, so i made this realtime online mafia game.
it’s not complete yet, but i just wanted to know how people felt about it, whether it has potential, and whether i should continue development on it.

i sorta made it to practice my web development skills, but i figure some people may like it.

so some person can create a table with a list of cards they want (so far there are villagers/mafia [duh] and doctor + cop) and the number of people they want playing. the game will then randomly select that many people from the cards.

once u enter the room, once the target number of people join, the game will start.

the thing that is lacking right now is that if somebody leaves during the middle of the game, the game will be unplayable, (unless the person is already dead, in which case it doesnt matter).

however, i’ve played it with some of my friends, and it works well (when dreamhost’s shared hosting is sufficiently fast, that is)

i’m also considering selling the project off to the highest bidder, since i have other web projects in mind. so let me know if anyone of you are interested in taking over the development. [email protected]

over 6 years

Shwartz99 says

Bebop says

And this time, I'm not gonna get caught. I've returned to EpicMafia after about... mm, I don't know... a YEAR? But this time, I will be king of EpicMafia! And I got my crew with me, and guess what? You're not gonna be able to do anything! 'Cuz I got like 50 alt accounts ready, and like... come on, troll me bro! ‘Cuz I’m all ready for this, you know? And like… - you know what? You guys won’t be able to figure me out this time, ‘cuz I got this new plan: I’m gonna be king of EpicMafia! All the times in the past I’ve failed, but NOT this time. This time I’ll succeed. The first one who ever hacked EpicMafia; that was me. The first person who ever truly cheated to the extent of making the forums a million times; that was me. And the one who’s gonna take over EpicMafia? It’s gonna be me. So I’ll see you guys in the leaderboard. Later.

This one is legendary.

over 6 years

Bebop says

And this time, I'm not gonna get caught. I've returned to EpicMafia after about... mm, I don't know... a YEAR? But this time, I will be king of EpicMafia! And I got my crew with me, and guess what? You're not gonna be able to do anything! 'Cuz I got like 50 alt accounts ready, and like... come on, troll me bro! ‘Cuz I’m all ready for this, you know? And like… - you know what? You guys won’t be able to figure me out this time, ‘cuz I got this new plan: I’m gonna be king of EpicMafia! All the times in the past I’ve failed, but NOT this time. This time I’ll succeed. The first one who ever hacked EpicMafia; that was me. The first person who ever truly cheated to the extent of making the forums a million times; that was me. And the one who’s gonna take over EpicMafia? It’s gonna be me. So I’ll see you guys in the leaderboard. Later.

This one is legendary.
over 6 years
And this time, I'm not gonna get caught. I've returned to EpicMafia after about... mm, I don't know... a YEAR? But this time, I will be king of EpicMafia! And I got my crew with me, and guess what? You're not gonna be able to do anything! 'Cuz I got like 50 alt accounts ready, and like... come on, troll me bro! ‘Cuz I’m all ready for this, you know? And like… - you know what? You guys won’t be able to figure me out this time, ‘cuz I got this new plan: I’m gonna be king of EpicMafia! All the times in the past I’ve failed, but NOT this time. This time I’ll succeed. The first one who ever hacked EpicMafia; that was me. The first person who ever truly cheated to the extent of making the forums a million times; that was me. And the one who’s gonna take over EpicMafia? It’s gonna be me. So I’ll see you guys in the leaderboard. Later.
over 6 years
If anyone has that "who was the first user to cheat in comp? me" copypasta please post it
over 6 years
I have a cousin, who is very handsome. Compared to him I was always a monkey.
over 6 years
Just a reminder to spread positive goodwill to your fellow mafia players: Daniel 12:3 “Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament, and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever.” Have a great day everyone.
over 6 years
This year has been rife with turmoil, tragedy, and irretrievable loss. I urge you all to find help where it's available and to never hesitate to consult an admin, moderator, or better yet, a qualified professional for assistance. This is a community. We love, we hate, we bicker, we troll. This doesn't necessarily change the dynamic of our EM family. I have my heart and soul invested in you folks. All I ask is that you take the steps to look out for yourselves and your loved ones. Be well. Be safe. Happy Holidays.
over 6 years
We have updated the trolling rule to now include this: "Low contrast colors that are difficult to read also falls under trolling at the discretion of a moderator."
over 6 years
hey, so i made this realtime online mafia game.
it’s not complete yet, but i just wanted to know how people felt about it, whether it has potential, and whether i should continue development on it.

i sorta made it to practice my web development skills, but i figure some people may like it.

so some person can create a table with a list of cards they want (so far there are villagers/mafia [duh] and doctor + cop) and the number of people they want playing. the game will then randomly select that many people from the cards.

once u enter the room, once the target number of people join, the game will start.

the thing that is lacking right now is that if somebody leaves during the middle of the game, the game will be unplayable, (unless the person is already dead, in which case it doesnt matter).

however, i’ve played it with some of my friends, and it works well (when dreamhost’s shared hosting is sufficiently fast, that is)

i’m also considering selling the project off to the highest bidder, since i have other web projects in mind. so let me know if anyone of you are interested in taking over the development. [email protected]
over 6 years



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deletedover 6 years



*VashtheStampede has committed suicide!*
over 6 years
what is this? are you high? is it raining in your house?
over 6 years
My Google account is pretty high value. Obviously I’m limiting details I share as my account has apparently been compromised. (There are no other IoC, or unrecognised devices in my account history, but something from early October probably wouldn’t appear now).