almost 10 years

keep it civilized you pigs

and don't post facebook links that's stupid

almost 10 years
lol you showed up quick. got google alerts on all your puushes?
almost 10 years
yes, cobra? got something to say?
almost 10 years

Sammie says

deletedalmost 10 years
how do I become a premium member
almost 10 years

Great day at the beach today.
deletedalmost 10 years

Satan says

Sick beard dude.
almost 10 years

Sammie says

gistofeverything says

You do too actually, Samantha <3

well, thank you! you dont look half bad either :)

whyd i get negged :c


if you must, but id like to step away from that identity since people seem to associate it with me being a boy, which i dont want
almost 10 years
deletedalmost 10 years
Lookin good Sammie/Petri

can I still call you petri?
almost 10 years
One of these days I'm going to go through and state what animal you all resemble in my head. That's how I remember people versus names or faces. Strange, I know.
almost 10 years

gistofeverything says

You do too actually, Samantha <3

well, thank you! you dont look half bad either :)
deletedalmost 10 years

ZachG12 says

Steve, I've missed our talks.

Same, man. Glad you came back for the end.
almost 10 years
You do too actually, Samantha <3
deletedalmost 10 years
Steve, I've missed our talks.
almost 10 years
Dez actually looks really good.

I imagined her as being a brunette though, no idea why.
almost 10 years
well, i guess i might as well post something..

no laughing please

deletedalmost 10 years
You're pretty too, Zach.
deletedalmost 10 years
Guernica you're pretty
almost 10 years

Me and my brother, Endoplasmic.
deletedalmost 10 years
Yeah last pic was a bad angle + wasn't feeling particularly happy cuz gf at the time was in the hospital. Meh.
almost 10 years

Howl says

No jokes please.

Lot better picture than what you posted in the previous thread.

Lot more warm, nice smile.
deletedalmost 10 years

MeIody says

Genne post a picture for old time's sake

deletedalmost 10 years
idk if its weird but sometimes i forget that everyone online is actually a human being and i have a sense of guilt of anything ive ever said or done to anyone and this thread makes me realize that
deletedalmost 10 years
dude sick beard
deletedalmost 10 years
No jokes please.