Classic Mafia

This setup is the good old one ;)
almost 14 years
This setup is quite okay, but not for the training lobby
almost 14 years
If mafia don't get a vanilla d1 they're screwed.
almost 14 years
This setup is really fun, and teaches everyone how to scumhunt and play each role better.
deletedalmost 14 years
setup is too town-sided. Thumbs down. Mafia needs a GF instead of two mafia
deletedalmost 14 years
This is a point farm. That is all.
deletedalmost 14 years
Your face is a pointfarm
deletedalmost 14 years
i like this setup, its straightforward (for both teams) and a great way for newer players to learn the tricks of the trade. :)
deletedalmost 14 years
How is mafia making a comeback.
almost 14 years
You can win it as town even with a dead cop/doc, but it's harder. Mafia will win it if they're playing good. Great setup to learn basics and how to scumhunt.
almost 14 years
Just finished an intense game where doc died n1, cop outed d1 with guilty (and died n2), and village still won. Maf actually played excellently; village just employed a very smart NL and the game got narrowed down to a cross-vote that was unfavorable for the maf. My point is that this setup works well in every endgame situation -- dead doc, dead doc AND cop, dead cop, etc.
deletedalmost 14 years
This setup is retarded. If the cop dies town is screwed because it's D1 mylo.
almost 14 years
@Petri : Cop dies D1, 2 mafia, 4 townies. It's MYLO.
almost 14 years
Love this set up, if cop dies d1, it is almost impossible for town to pull it off, but I have played games where town won after losing cop D1.
deletedalmost 14 years
No shit SG< that's what I said.
over 13 years
cops will claim so soon i like this more
over 13 years
and the award for best setup of the year.... goes to............................. CLASSIC MAFIA!
deletedover 13 years
Great setup for learning how to scumhunt and to fakeclaim cop. :)
over 13 years
Plus this more and neg fool training or Cake won't change it for comp. D:
deletedover 13 years
is it just me, or are thoes win statistics off? by like1%
over 13 years
v That's because it has statistics like 48.75% and 51.25%, but they're rounded down, so it seems like it's missing this 1%.
deletedover 13 years
Play something else...
deletedover 13 years
Overrated. Should try something more complex. Once you get to comp, you won't have setups like these, man. :l
over 13 years
most over played and stupid setup
over 13 years
>iheart talking about overplayed and stupid setups. ahahaha thats rich