
Report #29,414

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closedabout 12 years
appeal--- but nevertheless i was the clear... how could she suspect the clear.. and then she threatened to force nl when doc was already dead.. and said she wont lynch that day and would keep on changing the vote to force nl.. she said that.. she wanted the clear to die... this is not bad play.. this is gt.. she consistently said that she wont let me have hammer... i was the fuckng clear dude
about 12 years
this was clear gt... i dont know how someone can not call it a gt... not only the fact that she voted the inno,..(when day was ending i had finalized my report) .. she refused to let the clear hammer and said that she would change the votes so that i dont have hammer...
about 12 years
and faking guilty is the optimal play when doc dies and u get an inno.. my n1 inno was dead.. .. read day2.. she clearly says that she wont let me hammer.. this is fucking gamethrow.. u just cant leave a player like this on the loose...