



12 / 20Super Sleuth!
5 / 10Scumhunter
4 / 25Eye of the Beholder
1 / 10I'm Towntelling!
1 / 25Explosion!

Created Setups

deletedabout 12 years
I know, I already apologized in the report. Personally, I was unaware that the rules still applied in unranked. Won't happen again.
over 12 years
deletedover 12 years
nope, I claimed cop and I was the cop, If I would say:
K guys, im not cop, the moment I got lynched I would be lynched too and I would also be reported.
deletedover 12 years
Also, they didn;t lose because of my actions but because of AFK
deletedover 12 years
It wasn't gamethrowing, they didnt vote my 'guilty' in the end, thus making it trolling.
Could you edit the warning?
deletedover 12 years
Wasn't really fake claiming.
What are consequences of the violations?
Isn't saying: Nl, i want to die also gamethrowing?
Isn't not voting for cop guilty also gamethrowing? (not denying I don't deserve the violation though)
over 12 years
I'm going to go to bed goodnight smexy!
deletedover 12 years
Text meeeee
over 12 years
I Think i have done it right, not sure though you could look at the link yourself? Or should another mod do that :S Thanks for your help anyway!
over 12 years
Could you please tell me how i appeal?
I dont know how to do all those complicated stuff :S
over 12 years

This report and violation is false liva... if you reread the last day you would see that headsortails ASKED me wether it would be heads or tails.. all i said was heads then after i said we lynch him for his nonsense which was gambling heads or tails aka the violation you gave me only because HE asked me what it should be and i didnt even lynched based on his outcome i just choose him?... Go reread please before you give a violation which wasnt done by me... i DID NOT use any outside game influences i only said to lynch headsortails for proposing his outside game influence.

Please reread the report and game, it would be a shame if you made a mistake this bad.

over 12 years
Was this just recently?
over 12 years
I had no idea you were a mod.
deletedover 12 years
liva, :* is a kiss/love, dont ban him, he was kidding
over 12 years
Msn please to choose a setup.
over 12 years
Liva do you not know what the fuck you're doing? You didn't give a violation on Report 11626 because you said it was unranked. It only went unranked because he fucking suicided. My god. Seems like that's fucking elementary shit and you don't realize it.
deletedover 12 years
thanks for failing. nice mod staff we have.
over 12 years
Haha it's okay Liva, no hard feelings on my part.
deletedover 12 years
O k .
deletedover 12 years
Did you say you were naked? ohmygoshnaked