
in the sex dungeon
in love with someone gone
part of  family

I am a simple man

I love my cats.

I play guitar.

And I raise my dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

Also I got a fine ass ho for a wife.



over 6 years
no .
Eat it.
deletedalmost 7 years
why do u suck so much????
Yeeeeears and years of practice and hard work
about 7 years
why are you gay
I watched Magic Mike during a thunderstorm
deletedabout 8 years
how many ways are there to love a cat
I dunno, like, 7?
about 9 years
r u alive
Does the pope shit in the woods?


25 / 25Explosion!
20 / 20Super Sleuth!
20 / 20He's Batman
11 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
4 / 20Do No Harm
over 5 years
hi qtpie
over 5 years
ur avi is the spawn of satan
deletedover 5 years
helol do u like frogs
over 5 years
helol do u like dogs
over 5 years
hi :pepe:
deletedover 5 years
deletedover 5 years
over 5 years
big booty brenen is that u.......
over 5 years
brenen here
almost 6 years
I think about u enough to double post
almost 6 years
You have CATS, damn you're awesome
deletedalmost 6 years
Since it's no longer on my profile I figured I'd bring it to yours. :)
about 6 years
dont make me floof ya piggo
about 6 years
weird but hes safe @fellowminors
over 6 years
hi cute piggy with guitar join my cyber family <3
deletedover 6 years
in 3 weeks you get to see my great b00tie <3
over 6 years
+k'd to 70! i like you piggo.
over 6 years
obviously +k'd because you respect royalty when you see it
over 6 years
just kidding i don't have the score to give karma xd
over 6 years
raise ur dongers for +k ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ