
Watauga, TX

I don't really care too much about winning, it great and all but I am in it for the fun. So don't be surprised if I give in, b/c I feel like I don't deserve the win (except in a ranked game, I give that my all). Please don't over/underestimate me, I am a person and I can live with making a mistake every now and then.

deletedalmost 14 years

almost 14 years
+k for you chang coco. you go chang coco.
almost 14 years
I need you in my arms. without you I am nothing but, a hollow shell of a human being.
deletedalmost 14 years
<333 Changgurs
almost 14 years
it's ok xx
almost 14 years
I don't see what was the problem with just killing somebody, I thought your chances of surviving were pretty good considering your competition. Negged of course, you probably don't care. Still, I'm a person of my word.
deletedalmost 14 years
of course!! +k back
almost 14 years
lawl's thanks i guess, returned
about 14 years
my 69 is ruined :(
deletedabout 14 years
+k xD
about 14 years
+K for playing so well. Just wish I'd been your mafia partner and not townie!
deletedabout 14 years
yessir it is
about 14 years
I already +k'd you but I would give you a million +k because I love you so much :D
deletedabout 14 years
+karma for appreciating b0oty.
deletedabout 14 years
thanks. I already had you karamad.
about 14 years
<3 thank you for being considerate lol
about 14 years
how are we not friends? how do i not have you +k'd? jeez