Crime Scene Investigation

The Miami-Dade CSI department, led by of the stalwart Lt. Horatio Caine, is under siege by a criminal element run amok. A duo of cops of dubious credibility, a doctor, and a mortician are all that stand in the way of absolute chaos thanks to Miami's seedy underbelly of sex, lies, and brutality.
[[JANITOR]], be wary of the Mortician! I would advise not janning on the first night. Unless you get lucky and jan the Mortician, the town's best course of action on the first day is to vote no-lynch to allow the Mortician to perform an autopsy. However, you could CC the Mortician claim as well, not permitting the town a "clear." Otherwise, consider taking the risk and jan on night one, since you have a >50% chance of hitting a town power-role. Be smart Janitor, your choice is pivotal here. [[HOOKER]], you also have multiple angles here as well depending on how day one plays. For instance, If an [[INSANE COP]] claims on first day and encourages a sanity lynch on a town power-role he investigated as "guilty" and that player claims Doc, you can hook the Doctor on night two and take out one Cop. Some other strategies available to Mafia include: Janning on N1, fakeclaiming Mort and demanding NL and Doc on you. Real Mort may CC, and you can hook him to prevent a day two reveal (yes, it works). You can also fakeclaim cop on day one to force the other cop out and render him useless through hooking. This is particularly effective if you luckily kill one of the two cops on night one.
[[COPS]], be wary of the lawyer's potential mind-games. Also, only one cop should claim on day one, so that the other can investigate without being hooked. On night one, try to avoid picking competent, skilled players as your initial investigation. Town may demand a sanity check, so lynching your "guilty" could result in town losing a powerful village-asset if you turn out to be the [[INSANE COP]]. Don't let yourself be lynched as a power-role without claiming, especially if you are a [[DOCTOR]]. If you still see a lynch forming on you, assert yourself and stop the lynch. If mafia were foolish enough to jan on N1 and you are the [[MORTICIAN]], try to discreetly encourage NL on Day 1 to autopsy the unidentified corpse. Also remember that as Mortician, you have the power to determine a dead cop's sanity, if it's not known and you are still alive. [[VILLAGERS]], try to draw attention to yourself so that the mafia think you might be a valuable power-role. However, don't outright fakeclaim power-roles, even if in danger of being lynched. That could backfire by having the real ones counterclaim, limiting the pool of players the mafia need to murder. Remember, this is a team game and you win if your team wins.
Please feel free to leave comments on suggestions to improve balance and/or fun. Keep in mind that I'm almost never going to remove the Hooker, Lawyer, and Mortician (i.e. the coroner) roles. It wouldn't be CSI without them! I'd like to consider expanding this setup to include a Watcher (i.e. a witness), but I'm not sure how to counterbalance it.
over 13 years
Hey, played this yesterday when it was still the previous round and you were testing it.

Town/maf is doing something that is causing maf to win, because this is clearly town-sided based on how last night was played.

Usually morts don't claim n1 and jans do jan n1 from what I've seen.
over 13 years
Simple: if mafia does not jan n1 and they kill a blue, mass claim.
over 13 years
Are towns just failing really badly or what?
over 13 years
I've only won as town on this setup (and only played as town..), how's this have such a high mafia win %?
over 13 years
Not sure, but it's bothering me.
over 13 years
lol maf sided.
anyway the way you win as town is be a total badass like me and lynch all 3 maf.
over 13 years
I'm taking it as a good sign that the "analysts" are divided between maf-sided and town-sided. Of course, anecdotes are all well and good, but the data is showing a different picture: Mafia are predominantly winning this setup. I'm thinking of reintroducing the Drunk I had in it originally, when it was 11 players.
over 13 years
Or perhaps keep it at 10 players, but replace Doctor with Bodyguard to instill some fear into Mafia.
deletedover 13 years
Replace the lawyer with nilla maybe. Two insane cops + lawyer makes investigations almost useless.
over 13 years
But but... Lawyer.... CSI... I can't!
over 13 years
Huh.. the win ratio is balancing. Slowly.
over 13 years