
Report #9,009

Report Details

closeddeletedover 12 years
Reporting per request of Moderator from this report
deletedover 12 years
That said I understand why Betrayal would report it and I haven't read the game. I'm assuming Dave had no GR reason to suicide
deletedover 12 years
Yeah, I didn't want ColdSummers to sui for me that game, but she did. I don't think that should have been against the rule because she was taking my non-GRS sui. This should only really be reportable if people are telling other to sui for them for a game related reason(which is the rule). IE, not here, but if Dave was in a tight spot and someone sui'd to help him out, then that's GRS and ERB if it was suggested by Dave. Suiciding is NOT against the rules, and encouraging others to suicide is not against the rules either, IMO. Encouraging others to GRS is completely different
over 12 years
Wow, I report someone and I get intimidated by several players. That's pretty sad. :(

Although, I understand your POV Summers.
deletedover 12 years
Again, I'm sorry. :(
deletedover 12 years
I will stop sui'ing for other people from now on. This was the second case that I have done it. I wasn't reprimanded in the first, so I assumed it was alright. Ignorance of something being a violation doesn't make the action alright. So I understand if you do decide to infract me. I just don't think that anything that Dave said played into my decision and Derse will attest that my action is mostly due to me attempting to be courteous.
deletedover 12 years
Recap: In a prior game Derse basically said he had to leave to do laundry and might have to sui. I said something along the lines of not wanting Derse to eat the sui on his main and also the fact that he HAD to sui. Derse responded by telling me that he had to leave and that he would just do it. I ended up sui'ing before him.
over 12 years
Betrayal is confirmed trash. Dump this.
deletedover 12 years
Dave didn't persuade me to sui. Even if he told me that he didn't want me to, I would have still done it as he was running and I wouldn't want a sui to ruin his run. I'm going to pm DerseDave to give testimony as he was in a game where I did this for him on an alt named Velvet. Please note, that these are the only two circumstances where this has occurred as far as I remember and I did it because I wasn't aware it was against the rules. I will refrain from now on.
over 12 years
Encouraging other people to suicide, spam, cheat or otherwise break a rule.
"1 Hour Suspension"

It's Moderator's judgement, not mine.
deletedover 12 years
I was scrambling because I had to leave and Cold offered to suicide to save my heart and I accepted. I didn't encourage her to suicide and even if accepting counts as encouraging, it wasn't for a game related reason because there was nothing that was related to the game that made either of us want to suicide. It's getting really frustrating having to try and fight off the egotistical ban-crusade Betrayal has out for me just because I reported him for trolling.
deletedover 12 years
It wasn't game related. Suiciding is not against the rules if it isn't game related.