
Report #8,854

Report Details

closeddeletedover 12 years

Deliberatly insults the entire Mod team; page 3. He did it again on page 4.
over 12 years
Personally Dave calling me a cunt isn't opinionated, it's simply harassment. I reported him 3 extra times in this report listening all of his offenses. I am okay if you aren't troubled by him judging the Mod team but he did harass me which I'm mainly upset about, he NEVER even apologized after he did it. I don't think I'm the only one he calls Cunts either. I am reporting him so that you enforce the rules and make sure that Dave watches his language and stops acting like he can do whatever he want. He also insulted Felagund in Game #764725.
over 12 years
Ah. What about what he did in Game #764725, and him calling me and others a cunt?
deletedover 12 years
I haven't read the bottom thing, but I don't see an issue with what he said on that topic regarding the mod team, he's entitled to his opinion.
over 12 years
Also, you can't prove that your actions haven't negatively effected anyone. You called me a Cunt on my profile, I reported you, if it doesn't real a bell, that is a negative offense. I try my best to uphold a positive reputation in this community, and the last thing I want is for someone to call me a cunt regardless of how hard I try.
over 12 years
Your defense has nothing to do with the actual reports. o.o. I don't have a grudge on you, I don't hold grudges with strangers, it's pathetic. Nonetheless, the 4 crimes you comitted have nothing to do with my so-called "grudge". In real court systems, a police who gives a ticket to someone for speed 1 mile is justice. It doesn't matter if the crime is small or big, I still must report.
deletedover 12 years
Betrayal has a spiteful grudge against me because I reported him for trolling and he got a violation. None of these things affected anyone particularly negatively and the only reason I'm getting reported is because Betrayal is upset. Please dismiss these reports.
over 12 years
He also called me a cunt 3 days ago on my profile, 1st page.
over 12 years - Calls a fellow member "an ignorant cunt"
over 12 years
Also I am double reporting him, here.

Insults Felagund who is annoyed by Dave which continues to provoke him. A bit spammy at end day when trying to lynch Artusha.