
Report #54,936

Report Details

closedalmost 11 years - End game, due to a mishammer he calls me a 'dumb nigger' and a 'dumb nigger faggot'. I am of African descent and am thoroughly offended to my core by these statement. Please give a violation for extreme racism. Thank you.
almost 11 years
Natstar: Firstly, your ignorance precedes you; my avi is not Obama, and even if it was, the fact you suggests that is an acceptable reason for people to racially abuse me shows how bigoted you are which is just abysmal. I did not play another game with him after - It is blatantly obvious you are one of his friends who he had write a defensive comment for him. This deserves a vio as he was overly aggressive and racist to me.
almost 11 years
first of all tadar if you think he is stupid then don't play with him and esteban that is what you get for having a obama avatar also if you don't like him stop playing games with him so no violation because if he was really offended he would not keep playing with him in future games lol.
almost 11 years
yeah sorry i'm just pissed of with the level of stupidity. i mean come on i came here to competitive lobby to expect better game level play but it's no different to the training lobby
deletedalmost 11 years
almost 11 years - Calls me a 'retarded nigger' in the pregame of this game.