
Report #44,006

Report Details

closeddeletedover 11 years
I got suspended 24 hours due a GT.

My explanation for the GT that got me suspended is that I had literally no sleep and I mistook to kill the vigilant, instead I stalked him and killed the guy I wanted to stalk.

Please spare me, I sincerely try to be a good user. I'm just really stupid when I don't sleep for 24 hours!
over 11 years
he stalked sarah two times and the last night he neither stalked nor killed sarah. miss-click is not a believable excuse here.
over 11 years
this is ironic, this very moderator threw a game on purpose, and he pleaded negligence after killing his cc at night, and now when a player made a genuine mistake in a training game where there are no intentions to throw, you guys let this moderator take it to gt ruling.